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NO  ENTRY  for Shaitan


Don’t bring shaitan (satan) with you.  Leave shaitan outside.  Don’t let him come with you to the mosque.

 Shaitan entered paradise.  How? -  By cheating the guardians at the door. --- saying, “There is someone inside. I must go and look after him - advise him. “    He was cheating, lying.

            And  just  as  he  cheated  Adam  ( peace be upon  him )  so  he is  cheating the sons of  Adam.   The only ones not cheated are Prophets.    Awliya (Saints) may be cheated before they assume their power, but when they have fought shaitan, they fought with their egos and there (is) no more possibility that shaitan can cheat them.  Allah Almighty protects them.   They know shaitan.  They can see him in his original form or in his disguise.    And they know his deputies.   And looking at a person, they know if he or she is with shaitan or not. 


So many muslims, millions of them are cheated by shaitan because they are refusing to follow awliyas.  They are saying it is not from the time of the Prophet.  They are foolish – Therefore shaitan is carrying them.     We are trying to make you friends of awliyasAwliya are friends of Allah;  they are friends of the Prophet.  Those who are friends of the Prophet, are friends of Allah;   therefore we are asking to give you the love of awliyas.

Allah  Almighty was  saying -  “You must  be  with  My  friends”.  Yes -  So  simple.

           If we follow those people we are following Allah Almighty with protection .. when you are following  them  step by step you are reaching an area where there is  “No  entry”  for  shaitan  and  his  servants.   “No  entry” -  Prohibited  for Shaitan and  his  friends  to enter.

 At a military zone there is the sign of a gun meaning that if entering you may be shot.  Similarly when a person enters that area where it says   “No entry for Shaitan” – shaitan is looking and seeing but can’t follow.

 Prophets are infallible.   But near to that -  protected  area, - it may come up  to  its  border -  before the infallible area, there are mines.

 One who is asking to make a good end here and hereafter may follow Awliya  - the  friends of Allah. You should be happy.

         This is a short piece of advice that you should keep with you for ever, never forgetting.    If you are asking for a good end  here and  hereafter, and a good station in the Divine Presence  try  to  follow a wali,  a friend  of Allah.  Then you should be happy and far away from troubles.  Your life should be a sweet life.  People say they are on ‘honey-moon.’  People are not asking for a honey life, just a honey moon - going like honey – coming like vinegar!

 Allah  Almighty is  saying,  “honey life  is with  My  awliya.  Be with them and your life will be honey life.”  It is so easy.  May Allah give you a honey life.


(edited  from “Follow a  Sheikh”  in Truth  Springs)