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The Power of Dhikrullah


As-salamu alaikum!     Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, la haula wa la quwatta illa bi-llahi-l ‘Aliyu-l ‘Adhim!

If young ones (are) making meditation, like this (crossing legs)… but in front of him (there is) a beautiful girl, you should finish… Tauba,   Astaghfirullah!          … I make new meditation system here… better, because they (are) never improving … and there is real meditation also that (is) making a person to be closer to Heavens.        Welcome to you… meditation people!…            By the Name of Allah Almighty, All-Merciful, most Beneficent and most Magnificent! For the honour of the most honoured and most glorious servant of Allah, give us from Your endless Blessings and forgiveness, to be happy here and Hereafter!...

the necessity of subduing the ego

People are asking for peace.  Everyone (is) asking peace, but their egos (are) never leaving them to be peaceful. If (there was) no ego, everyone would be peaceful.

Without the ego you would not be a ‘distinguished’ creature, representing (the) Lord of Heavens on earth.   You would be like Angels. Because Angels (have) no ego they are not doing anything for themselves. They are doing everything for Allah!  But Allah Almighty created mankind and loaded on them (the) ego, ‘nafs’.      We have been ordered to be servants of our Lord Almighty Allah, but (the) ego (is) saying: “Don’t listen to Him, listen to me! When you are pleasing me, you will be pleased; if you are not making me pleased, you are never going to be pleased, because I will never (allow) you to be pleased. (You will have) problems, troubles, sufferings (of) every kind, because you are not making me pleased.”       People who are not using Prophet’s ‘tawsirat,’ advice will always be under their egos. Therefore all religions (are) coming to advise, to show (them) the ways, (which will) lead them to Heavens.

If not, (there are) never-ending troubles. Sometimes (their) eyes (are) giving trouble, sometimes their teeth (are) giving trouble, sometimes their mind (is) giving trouble, sometimes (their) heart… heart attack…(is) giving troubles… (When) your heart attack (is) coming, (your) whole body (is) going to be in dark trouble…When that pleasure from Allah Almighty (is) taken away from a person, every part of his body (is) giving trouble! But when the Lord of Heavens reaches to you, ‘tumanine’ - to be happy with Allah -, when you are going to be happy with Allah, you should be happy throughout your physical being!    Therefore Allah Almighty (is) ordering:

“…’ala bi dhikri-llahi tatmainna-l qulub…!”

“O people, try to reach to Allah through your hearts!”

(There is) no way for people to reach to their Lord, to their Creator, except the way (which) passes through their hearts!


The joy of dhikrullah

                     Therefore, when you are going (to be) with Allah in your heart, coming rest, ‘tumanine.’  You are feeling rest, (but) you are not tired.   And also, after ‘tumanine’- after that feeling of rest through the heart through the Lord’s Dhikr-, coming after it pleasure.       When does pleasure reach a person?   When he feels himself  ‘amna aman’, (in safety). If he is not feeling in his heart safety from everything, that may touch you and make you (uneasy).

Therefore Allah Almighty (is) ordering people (to make Dhikr), to make them to be (controller) of their egos by Dhikr.  Dhikr (is) putting down your ego; and your ego can’t come against you, to carry you into troubles!   When you are coming into safety from troubles, that gives you pleasure, safety, and you are pleased.    Why?   You are with your Lord!         If you are reaching to your Lord, how you can be in trouble and unhappy and no pleasure for you?  No!  Dhikrullah, to be with Allah, always makes you closer (to lightened worlds)… always making you safe from dark worlds.      Nafs’, your ego, (is) asking to keep you through dark worlds;   but when, by Dhikr  you make your ego down, (that) takes you up to Worlds of Lights, and you are going to be (an) enlightened person.   Without being enlightened, a person never tastes pleasure and satisfaction and peace here and Hereafter!Therefore all Tariqats [Sufi paths] urge people to make Dhikr…

“…wa afdalu Dhikr: La ilaha ill-Allah!” Always try to say (it)!

the practice of dhikr

                 We are giving a number (to do) - perhaps saying ‘La ilaha illa-Allah’  one hundred times (in a day); (but) when you reach that number, your feeling changes, (and you are) asking more, asking more, asking more… and (you are) going to be up through enlightened worlds.

There are 41 Tariqats.  The biggest target for all of them (is) to carry people from dark worlds to enlightened and unlimited Worlds!

(When people are imprisoned in the world of their 5 senses they are unhappy ;  but) when you are making Dhikr, (it is) taking you out through unlimited Worlds; (and in that) unlimited World, you should be happy and your happiness (also is) unlimited! Your pleasure (is) getting more, not getting less!    That is the key for mankind to be honoured here and hereafter!

Now Shaitan (is) making even Muslims not to do Dhikr!  Always they are attacking Tariqats, attacking people: “Why you are carrying this Tesbih?  (prayer beads) What you are saying? Always   (you are) saying: ‘Allah Allah’, ‘La ilaha ill-Allah’- for what?”       We are saying: If a person (is) never tasting honey, (they) can’t learn, (they) can’t know, what people (are) running after.  It is honey, but they are preventing themselves, because Shaitan (is) saying: “Don’t taste, don’t do this, don’t taste this because it is poison for you! If you are making this, you will lose (your) physical desires and pleasures!”  But physical desires and pleasures (are) always getting less, less, less… up to finish…   Dhikr (is) making people reach more, more and more through spiritual tastes, spiritual pleasure, endlessly!

Therefore, our Grandmasters, are saying that even if a person, daily, when asking to sleep, (just) says ten times: ‘Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah…’, this gives him such a power that you can’t imagine!       What about, if you are making Dhikr hundreds and thousand (of times)?  All (that is) giving you much more power, much more authority for you to be able to force your egos, to take your egos down and to move to Allah Almighty!     

What we can say?  Allah Almighty (is) giving people that most precious thing, their minds- (but) if people are not using it …  they are in darkness.     (The) Prophet (came) with ‘Nur’,(divine light)  bringing ‘Nur’ and (the) Holy Quran.  (He was) that ‘Nur’ for his tribe.  (They were) taking it, (and) they saw his real being.  They know (the) Reality, they know (the) real target for being a member of the human race!  They learnt the reason or the most important target from our creation.  Without that, they are never knowing and they would be like other animals.          People (are) thinking now that they have only been created to eat and drink and for their sexual desires - if it were true, (there would be) no difference between you and (the) animals’ world. Where is the honour (of) being a human if there is no difference between you and other animals.   But people (are) cheated by Shaitan.  They are running towards nothing and leaving Reality.

May Allah forgive us! For the honour of the most honoured one in His Divine Presence, S. Muhammad sws, Fatiha.


Edited from Talk 9.8.07